Hey guys! June is almost over. This summer I made the decision to pour concrete on some of my goals. One area that I am focusing on is my content. I have been posting pretty regularly on social media @revjthomas but I need to do more. So, my goal for the summer is at least 2 blog post and vlogs a month. This is my second for June!!!
We all know that “Content Is King,” but sometimes I find it tough to remember to actually create. For me, creating content has always been a part of what I do. In high school I took a class called McD TV where we created vignettes, PSAs, and news stories for the school. My senior year I created an independent study to go around campus and make videos documenting various activities and events.
In college I majored in Film and Media Arts. As you can imagine, we created original films J. When I first started working at New Psalmist in 2009, I was the Media Director. Each week I edited and produced a national television broadcast, news program, highlights of ministry life, and the first generation of Facebook videos.
As a minister, I create sermons, Bible Study plans, theological reviews and overviews, ministry plans for activities and discipleship opportunities, and growth tracks. Each of these starts as a blank word document that I develop through prayer and study.
And with ALL of that, I have struggled to create consistent written and visual content sharing about what is happening in my life and my world. Some of it comes from feeling busy about 95% of the time. And the remaining time I just want to do nothing. But sharing about my life is therapeutic. I am learning more and more that as work through what is happening in my orbit, I get clarity and new insight on how to approach what’s next. I also get to share my story and help others who may be in the same boat.
So, as I reach my goal for June, I want to encourage you to press through the fog and reach your goal. The only thing that can truly stop you is you! Make the decision today to press forward and do it! I can’t wait to see what you accomplish!
Follow me on social media @revjthomas and let me know how you are making out with your goals!
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